In April 2022, our wonderful Farm Business Manager, Rebecca, will run 5k to raise money for Trussell Trust’s Race Against Hunger. Trussell Trust is a charity which supports a network of over 1,200 food banks across the UK for those facing food poverty, as well as providing emergency food for those in crisis. In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty, including 4.5 million children. Rebecca’s route will take her around Forest Row, so do give her a wave if you see her! If you’d like to donate to her run, you can do so here:

Donate to rebecca's run for race against hunger

 Food Bank

Helping local families suffering from food poverty

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been involved in supporting local food banks to provide food for families suffering from food poverty. Food poverty is where people find themselves unable to gain access to sufficient nutritious food, often for economic reasons, disability, and a lack of social security. Despite being one of the richest countries in the world, we have one of the highest rates of food poverty in Europe. According the The Trussell Trust, nearly 2 million people used food banks between 2019 and 2020. And it’s not as simple as just getting a job; in an estimated 72% of families suffering with food poverty, at least one parent in employed. With the increase in 2020 of social and economic instability, and a continuing rise in disparity between cost of living and wages, the number of people relying on food banks has increased. We’re extremely grateful to our customers who donate to the food bank and help provide local families in Sussex with organic food; something they would never otherwise have access to.

Over summer 2020, you helped provide 3685 meals to these families…

…and for Christmas 2020, we provided all the vegetables and cheese for over 1000 meals to 71 local families.

Thank you to all of our customers who donate to the food bank everyday

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